Image Credits:

1.  “A Dangerous Novelty in Memphis,” Harper’s Weekly, June 21, 1862, courtesy of the Library of Congress.
2. Courtesy of Brian Palmer/
3. Richmond, from Oregon Hill, April 1865 (detail). Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
4. Photo of Marcus David Peters rally. © Virginia Defenders, 2018
5. Washington Monument (detail). Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
6. Courtesy of Joseph S. H. Rogers
7. Carolina Watchman, March 23, 1863, courtesy of
8. Courtesy of David McKenzie
9. Detail of riot scene from “Sowing and Reaping” Frank Leslie’s Illustrated, May 23, 1863, courtesy of the Library of Congress.
10. Courtesy of Brian Palmer/
11. Richmond, Virginia, Captured Siege Guns at Rocketts, courtesy of the Library of Congress
12. Courtesy of Brian Palmer/
13. Clipping from Staunton Spectator, April 7, 1863, courtesy of
14. Facebook, June 10, 2020.
15. Detail from “At the Market/Richmond, Virginia,” Harper’s Weekly, November 7, 1868, courtesy of the Library of Congress.
16. Stoney, Levar M. (@LevarStoney) June 3, 2020, 5:35 pm, and (photo) courtesy of Christopher A. Graham.